Certified Translation

In my capacity as a state-certified and sworn-in translator at the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court (Landgericht Frankfurt am Main) and the Koblenz Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht Koblenz) I am authorised to translate your official documents such as certificates, diplomas, contracts, court judgments, powers of attorney, deeds, expert's opinions etc. from and into German, English and Polish. I do this on my own responsibility by certifying the conformance of the translation with the original document by stamp and signature.

Read more: Certified Translation

Apostille und Legalisation

Bei Galamaga Translations erhalten Sie nicht nur beglaubigte Übersetzungen, sondern auch besonderen Zusatzservice: In Ihrem Auftrag können öffentlich oder amtlich beglaubigte Abschriften, Apostillen und Legalisationen bei den zuständigen Stellen eingeholt werden, und zwar sowohl in Bezug auf Originalurkunden als auch auf die angefertigten beglaubigten Übersetzungen. Mit meiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Urkundenwesen und meiner Kenntnis der bürokratischen Abläufe stehe ich Ihnen bei diesem Thema gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

Read more: Apostille und Legalisation

Specialist Translation

In my occupation as a state-certified and sworn-in translator, I mainly deal with legal texts such as contracts or court judgements. My expertise in the legal field is therefore my strongest asset. Apart from the legal speciality, I also possess a good deal of knowledge in some aspects of commerce & marketing, technology & IT, and the humanities.

Read more: Specialist Translation


In my capacity as a sworn-in interpreter at Frankfurt am Main Regional Court (Landgericht Frankfurt am Main) I am qualified to interpret for you at court trials in civil proceedings, at notarial and registry offices, and at any other authorities where interpreting under oath is required. As a business interpreter, I can interpret for you for instance at business meetings and trade fair talks.

Read more: Interpreting


A good text does not contain any orthographic, grammatical or syntactic errors, is reader-friendly and well-researched in terms of its contents. Furthermore, it approaches the target group in a convincing way. To achieve that, it is often necessary to apply the two-man rule (also referred to as 'four-eye principle'), especially when your texts are to be published in many copies. By applying this rule, the text is checked by an independent linguist who can spot mistakes that went unnotic

Read more: Proofreading


Im Zuge der immer häufiger eingesetzten maschinellen Übersetzung, die unkorrigiert und ungeprüft selbst in sensiblen Bereichen in unbedarfter Weise eingesetzt wird, kommt es zunehmend zu erheblichen Sach-, Vermögens- oder Personenschäden aufgrund von Übersetzungsfehlern. Wie soll man jedoch nachweisen, dass der Schaden durch solche entstand? Durch ein entsprechendes Gutachten können Sie belegen, dass der Schadensverursacher keine einwandfreie Übersetzung verwendet und dadurch seine Sorgfaltspflichten verletzt hat.

Read more: Sachverständigengutachten


Je breiter die Palette an Produkten oder Dienstleistungen wird, umso eher müssen Unternehmen dafür Sorge tragen, dass ihre Inhalte, sei es Werbebroschüren oder Technische Dokumentationen, konsistent bleiben und den Wiedererkennungswert für Kunden und Mitarbeiter behalten. Gerade bei mehrsprachiger Kommunikation ist eine systematische Erfassung von Begriffen erforderlich, um Verwirrung zu vermeiden.

Read more: Terminologiearbeit

Job Application & CV Check

You want to apply for a job in a German-speaking country or Poland and are not sure whether your application letter and CV are written impeccably? I can proofread your documents and give you tips in relation to their content and form.

Read more: Job Application & CV Check

Literary Translation

Translating literature requires not only excellent linguistic skills but also profound knowledge of cultural idiosyncrasies. Already as a young translator, I had the chance and privilege to translate some texts of literary qu

Read more: Literary Translation


Sie wollen Ihre Texte in andere Sprachen übersetzen bzw. für andere Länder lokalisieren lassen und wissen nicht, wo sie anfangen sollen? Sie brauchen einen Experten, der Sie durch die notwendigen Schritte führt und Ihnen die verschiedenen Optionen transparent aufzeigt

Read more: Beratungsleistungen

Flaggen Dreieck

Galamaga Translations is a member of BDÜ

Uebersetzer.eu Premium Mitglied

SDL Trados Studio - Software

Across Logo

Note: I am currently not available for new assignments!

Official translations accepted by all authorities

Accurate and legally valid documents

Insurance coverage

GDPR compliant

Free consultation included

Certification with a qualified electronic signature and apostille/legalisation if needed


  • Standard lines, prices per word, matches - calculation of translation prices

    In Germany it is customary to calculate prices for translation work with the help of standardised lines of text, so-called ‘Normzeilen’ consisting of 55 characters each including blanks. The number of characters in a source text (original text) or in a target text (translation) can be used as the basis for price calculation. In case of non-electronic texts usually the target text is used for convenience.

  • Reimbursement of translation costs

    Although translations are often indispensable, they are also expensive. As a customer, it is natural that you want to make sure your translation is accurate and meeting the highest standards. It is a great pity when the price is the only criterion for choosing a translator and you eventually have to pay more when problems with the alleged cheaper solution arise.

  • Is Google Translate a good alternative?

    The notion that translators are an endangered species has already been circulating for some time. Machine translation (MT) offered by companies such as Google or Bing is, after all, free of charge and available any time. Granted: MT is improving year on year. It is fairly adequate for private purposes, for example when you are abroad and need quick help with directions or a hotel booking. Even if you cannot rely fully on the offered translations, communication is simplified.