Are certified translations from Germany recognised abroad?
A remark beforehand: for years I have been translating a variety of documents into English or Polish and certifying them in accordance with my official
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For certified translation of documents such as birth certificates or school diplomas, the fees are based on the German Law on the Remuneration of Interpreters and Translators (JVEG). Fees for other kinds of specialist texts vary depending on the type of document and its difficulty. In certain cases translation costs can be paid or refunded for you. For more details click here.
Official documents used for international legal purposes and/or for submission to authorities need to be translated into the official language and certified by signature and seal by an authorised and sworn translator in order to be legally effective. Here you can find a list of documents, which most frequently require a certified translation.
Yes, the certification clause is accepted by authorities, public offices, courts, universities and any other public agencies in all regions of Germany. The legal precedent for this is the amendment of 30th of October 2008 in the German Code of Civil Procedure. According to a provision of the German Judicature Act, I am also authorised to interpret under oath before all federal and regional courts.
As there is no automatic guarantee that translations certified by a German-based court translator will be accepted everywhere abroad, it is wise to enquire directly to the relevant authority for the intended target country of your translation. De facto however, certified translations from Germany are honoured everywhere without trouble. I issue certified translations into English and Polish on a regular basis and do not know of any case that would prove otherwise. You will find more information on this topic here.
It is possible to certify the conformity of a translation with an officially certified or uncertified copy or scan. Should you wish to send me a printed or scanned copy of your original documents, please ensure that the copy is complete and legible. For more information read the article here.
There are several methods available to you. You may send me your documents by post, email or deliver personally, on appointment to my office in Mainz. You can also post your documents, along with your contact details, through my secure letterbox outside the building.
In case you prefer sending me your original documents via post, I would strongly encourage you to do this by registered letter (German: “Einschreiben”) due to security concerns.
In some cases, depending on the intended use, it may seem unnecessary to translate all contents of a document. However, in the case of abridged certified translations, any omissions must be indicated in the target text in the form of a translator‘s note, making clear to third parties reading the document that some contents of the original text were skipped.
If a translation does not reflect the full wording of the original document, it could be rejected for reasons of incompleteness. Therefore, if you are required to present a certified translation for official purposes, you are well advised to enquire with the official in charge as to whether an abridged translation will be accepted by them.
Yes, this is possible in two different ways:
1. In the form of a simple scan (JPG/ PDF file). The scan has no legal validity but can still be submitted with most authorities before providing the original document. This way you can expedite your process or meet a deadline.
2. In the form of a document certified by qualified electronic signature. The digital translation contains a professional attribute and is legally valid just like a “physical” certified translation with seal and signature. Digitally certified translations will only be accepted if the authority in question is able to process them.
You can settle the invoice by paying in cash, transferring money into my bank account, using PayPal or by cash-on-delivery letter offered by Deutsche Post AG. If the payment is agreed to be honoured after the translation has been delivered, then the invoice amount is to be paid within 30 days from delivery of the translation as required by German law.
The official VAT rate for services in Germany amounts to 19% of the net price. According to the German Value Added Tax Act, the tax is not payable if your company resides in another EU country (so-called intra-community deliveries) or outside of the EU. Private clients are not exempted in any circumstances.
No, they do not. This means that even 50 years or more, the certification clause is legally valid.
Personal data has to remain in the translation in its original wording. However, I can make a hint in brackets (so-called “translator’s note”) that the German variant of a name is different to the foreign one (e.g. “John” for “Johannes”).
Names of places are Germanised only in the case that they are more commonly known under a German name (e.g. “Kapstadt” for “Cape Town” or “Danzig” for “Gdansk”). Names of places, which belonged to the German Reich before 1945, are noted both in German and Polish version. This is reasonable mainly in regard to certificates of birth, so that no misunderstandings occur.
You may possibly be asked by a German authority to submit an “amtlich beglaubigte Kopie” or “öffentlich beglaubigte Kopie” of your document. An officially certified copy of this kind has nothing to do with certified translation. You can obtain a certified copy of your document at a Bürgeramt (Citizens Office) or an Ortsgericht. You will find contact details of the Ortsgericht in Frankfurt under this link. In Mainz you can obtain a certified copy of your document from the Stadtverwaltung.
In case of official documents that need to be translated by a sworn-in translator (so-called ‘certified translations’), a review by a third party is out of the question, owing to the obligation of confidentiality. In each case, one single sworn-in translator certifies the conformity of a translation with the original document provided. This means that a sworn-in translator is obliged to check his or her own translation more than once to avoid any mistakes.
With regards to other types of text, the ‘two-man rule’ can be applied if required. This means that my translations can be proofread by one of my colleagues. However, additional costs resulting from this service will have to be added to your invoice.
Unfortunately, that is not possible. Aside from the fact that I may only certify my own translations, I would have to rephrase your text using my own judgement. After all, I put my signature and stamp on the translation and bear legal responsibility for every word used.
A remark beforehand: for years I have been translating a variety of documents into English or Polish and certifying them in accordance with my official
Unlike some other regulated freelance professions in Germany, translators and interpreters are not bound by any particular official fee schedule. A fixed scale of charges
As a sworn-in translator and interpreter I am often privy to sensitive information. Since I am obliged by law to treat all information confidentially, I