Please translate it into English! – but which one?
As the world’s foremost language English has some special characteristics. It is spoken as a first, second and foreign language in entirely different countries and
With every purchase, the buyer gives a supplier a credit of trust. However, more often than not the customer does not know on what basis he or she should actually make the decision. When dealing with an industry that one is not well acquainted with, it may become even more difficult to decide on where […]
Legal interpreting BDÜ – Rechtsvergleichung in der PraxisBerlin BDÜ – Dolmetschen und Übersetzen in familienrechtlichen Verfahren – Webinar Anglophoner TagWürzburg 6. Fachkonferenz Sprache und RechtHannover EULITA – „The Many Facets of Legal Interpreting and Translation“ – Wien Akad. für Fremdspr. „Gesellschafts-verträge“Berlin Akad. für Fremdspr. „Grundstücks-kaufverträge“Berlin BDÜ Seminar „Notariatsdolmetschen und -übersetzen“Frankfurt am Main 5. deutscher GerichtsdolmetschertagHannover […]
Interpreting at courts and notarial offices Rechtsanwälte LaubensteinFrankfurt am Main HaackSchubertPartGmbBOffenbach am Main Dr. Mathias SchmidtNotarRockenhausen Rechtsanwältin und Notarin Renate KirschnerGeisenheim Notar Dr. Thomas NeukirchenKoblenz Kanzlei Saßnick Moritz Pikl WinterlichHofheim am Taunus Notare Dr. Gotthardt & Dr. AmmelburgerMainz Notar Martin GilbertKirchberg Rechtsanwältin und Notarin Elif PinarFrankfurt am Main Rechtsanwaltskanzlei PandelMainz Arnoul, Möller & Ludwig Rechtsanwälte […]
Specialist translation in law Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte PartGKöln Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLPFrankfurt am Main BLUMENTHAL & PARTNERBad Homburg vor der Höhe AWO Bezirksverband Rheinland e.V.Koblenz Schwarz & Körner RechtsanwälteFrankfurt am Main TERTIA Vermittlungsagentur GmbHRüsselsheim am Main TanQuid GmbH & Co. KGDuisburg Schule für PrivatpilotenNannhausen Rechtsanwälte Knatz Doutheil-SchmitteFrankfurt am Main SprachmarktMünchen Allen […]
As the world’s foremost language English has some special characteristics. It is spoken as a first, second and foreign language in entirely different countries and
Translation agencies, with in-house project managers and translators are, for the most part, only appropriate for large multinational companies requiring their technical documentation or websites
As a sworn-in translator and interpreter I am often privy to sensitive information. Since I am obliged by law to treat all information confidentially, I